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Task F

Techniques of Flight Instruction
Task F
Task F: Techniques of Flight Instruction

Objective: the student will be introduced to the techniques of flight instruction.

Completion Standard: the student will be able to explain the obstacles of learning and delivery methods. The student will also be able to explain the ADM


  1. Obstacles in learning during flight instruction.

  2. Demonstration-performance training delivery.

  3. Positive exchange of controls.

  4. Sterile cockpit.

  5. Use of distractions.

  1. Integrated flight instruction.

  2. Assessment of piloting ability.

  3. Aeronautical decision making.

Obstacles in learning during flight instruction.

Feeling of unfair treatment

  • Students who believe their instruction is inadequate, or that their efforts are not conscientiously considered and evaluated do not learn well. 

  • Assignment of challenging goals can make

Impatience to proceed to more interesting operations

  • Impatient students don’t understand the need for training and only desire their final goal.

  • Basics must be mastered to complete the whole task. 

    • Disinterest can grow from unnecessary repetition and drill on operations that are adequately learned.

Worry or lack of interest

  • Think about a time when you wanted to focus on something complicated,

  • A crisis or problem in your personal life will without question bleed over to your flight training.

    • A worried or emotionally upset student is not ready to learn. 

    • Outside influences may create stresses that are brought into the training sessions.

Physical discomfort, illness, fatigue, and dehydration

  • Physical issues will, obviously, hamper the learning process

  • Instructors need to be on the lookout for chronic fatigue as opposed to acute fatigue.

  • Dehydration can cause hyperfocus

Apathy due to inadequate instruction

  • If the student feels the instructor is not prepared, it can impact learning.

  • It is understandably frustrating when the instructor is poorly prepared or seems to not care.


  • The student must be comfortable with the instructor in the airplane. 

  • A healthy environment promotes learning.

Demonstration-performance training delivery

A more in-depth version

The Phases

Explanation Phase

  • A discussion of lesson objectives and completion standards, as well as a thorough preflight briefing

  • The instructor presents clear and pertinent objectives of the particular lesson to be presented, based on the known experience and knowledge

    • When teaching a skill, the instructor conveys the precise actions the learner will perform

    • Instructor should encourage learners to ask questions about any step of the procedure that they do not understand.

Demonstration Phase

  • The instructor demonstrates the actions necessary to perform a skill and may describe the actions simultaneously.

  • The instructor avoids extraneous activity as much as possible so that learners get a clear understanding of the task

    • Due to some unanticipated circumstances, the demonstration does not closely conform to the explanation,

    • This deviation should be immediately acknowledged and explained.

Learner Performance with Instructor Supervision Phase

  • Learner performance requires learners to act and do

    • To gain skills, learners must practice

    • The instructor must, therefore, allot enough time for meaningful activity

  • Learners can follow correct procedures and reach established standards

  • the instructor reviews what has been covered during the instructional flight and determines to what extent the learner has met the objectives outlined during the preflight discussion. 

    • The instructor should be satisfied that the learner is well prepared and understands the task before starting. 

    • The instructor observes as the learner performs, and then makes appropriate comments

Evaluation Phase 

  • The instructor traditionally evaluates learner performance, records the learner’s performance, and verbally advises the learner of the progress made toward the objectives

  • There may still be performance deficiencies

    • When pointing out areas that need improvement, offer concrete suggestions that help

    • If possible, avoid ending the evaluation on a negative note

Positive exchange of controls.


  1. Incident/accident statistics indicate a need to place additional emphasis on the exchange of control of an aircraft by pilots

  2. Numerous accidents have occurred due to a lack of communication or misunderstanding regarding who had actual control of the aircraft, particularly between learners and flight instructors


Three step process

Sterile Flight Deck

  • Section 121.542 requires airline flight crewmembers to refrain from nonessential activities during critical phases of flight.

  • Critical phases of flight are all ground operations involving taxi, takeoff, and landing, and all other flight operations below 10,000 feet except cruise flight.

    • Nonessential activities include such activities as eating, reading a newspaper, or chatting

  • A series of aircraft accidents caused by flight crews who were distracted from their flight duties during critical phases of the flight caused the FAA to propose the rule

Use of distractions

  • Preoccupation inside or outside the flight deck while changing aircraft configuration

    • trim, maneuvering to avoid other traffic, or clearing hazardous obstacles during takeoff and climb could create a potential stall/spin situation

  • The purpose is to determine that applicants possess the skills required to cope with distractions while maintaining the degree of aircraft control required for safe flight

  • Example distractions

    • Drop a pencil. Ask the learner to pick it up.

    • Ask the learner to determine a heading to an airport using a chart.

    • Ask the learner to reset the clock.

    • Ask the learner to get something from the back seat.

    • Ask the learner to read the outside air temperature.

    • Ask the learner to compute true airspeed with a flight computer.

    • Ask the learner to identify terrain or objects on the ground.

    • Ask the learner to identify a field suitable for a forced landing.

    • Have the learner climb 200 feet and maintain altitude, then descend 200 feet and maintain altitude.

    • Have the learner reverse course after a series of S-turns

Integrated flight instruction

  • The learner is taught to perform maneuvers by outside visual and by reference to flight instruments

Development of Habit Patterns

  • Teach it right the first time and reinforce desired behavior

    • Learners who monitor instruments and outside references from the start will develop this habit

Operating Efficiency

  • As learners get better at mastering their flight technique, aircraft performance will also increase


  • Explain the control inputs used and the associated visual and instrument references

See and Avoid

  • From the start, the instructor must ensure learners develop the habit of looking for other traffic at all times

  • It is always the pilot’s responsibility to see and avoid

    • Don’t let them depend on you, teach safety first

  • Perform clearing turns before maneuvers

  • Understand and follow the right of way rules

    • Part 91.113

Assessment of piloting ability.

  • It’s important to keep a learner up to date with their progress

Demonstrated Ability

  • The learner’s abilities must be based on standards of performance

  • ACS, PTS, syllabus, etc.

Postflight Evaluations

  • Keep the learner up to date with progress

  • Keep a written record

Correction of Learner Errors

  • Don’t immediately take controls during a mistake

  • If a learner can properly perform a maneuver but does not fully understand the principles or objectives, have them vary the performance slightly, combine it with other operations, or apply the same elements to the performance of other maneuvers

Pilot Supervision

  • Before endorsing a learner for solo flight ensure consistent ability in all required maneuvers

Dealing with Normal Challenges

  • Learners must be able to handle challenges thrown at them in the air

  • Ensure they are competent and confident with challenges on the ground


  • Have learners visualize flight in normal conditions and add unforeseen events to see how they would handle them

  • While on the ground, present the learner with a situation in the air and have them talk through getting safely back to the ground 

    • Don’t necessarily tell them what’s wrong at the beginning,

    • Tell them what they would see, hear or feel that would indicate there is a problem and let them figure out what is causing the issue and how to handle the situation

Practice Landings

  • Full stop landings (not just touch and goes)

  • Full stops help the learner learn aircraft control and checklist usage

  • Stress touching down in the first third of the runway, and centerline control

    • Go around if outside of requirements

    • Requirements should vary based on the learner’s progress and abilities

Aeronautical decision making

  • A systematic approach to the mental process used by aircraft pilots to consistently determine the best course of action in response to a given set of circumstances

    • It is estimated that approximately 80% of all aviation accidents are a result of human factors

  • Teaching pilots to make sound decisions is the key to preventing accidents

The Decision-Making Process

  • Defining the Problem

    • Recognize that a change has occurred and the expected result did not occur

    • Incorrectly defining the problem can create a worse problem

  • Choosing a Course of Action

    • Evaluate the need to react and determine what available actions can solve the problem in the time available

  • Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome

    • Continue to evaluate how the decision will affect the flight

  • Very similar to Maintain Aircraft Control, Analyze the Situation, Take the Proper Action, Land as Soon as Conditions Permit, as discussed above

Tools for ADM

  • The 3Ps

    • Perceive the given set of circumstances for a flight.

    • Process by evaluating their impact on flight safety.

    • Perform by implementing the best course of action.

  • PAVE - divides the risks of flight into four categories:

    • P ilot

    • A ircraft

    • en V ironment

    • E xternal Pressures.

  • CARE - determine level of risk by assessing the:

    • C onsequences

    • A lternatives

    • R eality

    • E xternal Pressures

  • TEAM - manage the risk by deciding whether to:

    • Transfer

    • Eliminate

    • Accept

    • Mitigate.

  • DECIDE - Simple and logical decision making

    • D etect a change needing attention.

    • E stimate the need to counter or react to the change.

    • C hoose the most desirable outcome for the flight.

    • I dentify actions to successfully control the change.

    • D o something to adapt to the change.

    • E valuate the effect of the action countering the change.

  • The 5Ps - used to assess risk in each of the five categories:

    • the Plan

    • the Plane

    • the Pilot

    • the Passengers

    • the Programming.

Dangerous Attitudes - Factors Affecting Decision Making

  • Anti-authority - "Don’t tell me."

    • Follow the rules. They are usually right.

  • Impulsivity - "Do it quickly."

    • Not so fast. Think first.

  • Invulnerability - "It won’t happen to me."

    • It could happen to me.

  • Macho - "I can do it."

    • Taking chances is foolish.

  • Resignation - "What’s the use?"

    • I’m not helpless. I can make a difference.

Stress Management

  • A certain amount of stress is normal/good

  • Too much can be very bad

  • 3 types of stress that affect performance

    • Physical

    • Physiological

    • Psychological

Use of Resources

  • Use all available resources,

  • Internal Resources

    • Found in the flight deck during flight

      • Equipment, systems, charts, books, etc.

      • Ingenuity, knowledge and skill

      • Other passengers

  • External Resources

    • ATC and flight service specialists

      • Traffic advisories, vectors, weather info, emergency assistance

  • Workload Management

    • Plan, prioritize, and sequence to prevent overload

    • Prompt learners to prepare for high workload situations

      • Don’t wait until you’re in the situation

      • i.e. prepare for the approach before it begins

    • Be able to recognize high workloads

      • Faster paced work along with divided attention

      • Stay ahead as much as possible to prevent high workloads

      • Manage tasks in order of importance when behind

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