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Timed Turns to Magnetic Headings

Timed Turns to Magnetic Headings
Timed Turns to Magnetic Headings

Objective: The student will be introduced to timed turns and a review of the compass.

Completion Standards: The student will be able to relay information regarding the magnetic compass and will be able to explain how timed turns work.

References: IFH Ch7, PHAK Ch8

Equipment: White Board and markers, iPad/ computer 

IP’s Actions:

  • Assess student

  • State the objective and completion standards

  • Writes down references

  • Provide attention getter

  • Present content

  • Assessment

  • Assign Homework

SP’s Actions:

  • Take notes

  • Ask Questions


(Attention Getter) : (Link goes here)

Motivation: (Discuss purpose for lesson and relate to Attention getter)


  • Overview

  • Timed Turns 

  • Common Errors



Mag field

Line of flux

  • Deviation – External factors from the aircraft 

    • Effects easterly and westerly direction

    • Calibration card?


  • Variation - Angle between TN and magnetic north (MN)

    • Earth is not uniformly magnetic

    • A correction (on the chart) to add or subtract from true to magnetic

    • Agonic line

      • Zero-degree variation

      • True north and Magnetic north are Equal

Agonic Line

  • Errors (Magnetic Dip) {ANDS & UNOS}

    • Northerly turning errors

      • Moving in same direction (leads)

      • Under shoot

    • Southerly turning errors

      • Lags

      • Overshoot

    • Acceleration errors (East or West Headings)

      • Acceleration to the North

      • Deceleration to the South

    • Oscillation error

      • Combination of all of the other errors

      • Compass card swinging back and forth around the heading being flown

Timed Turns (Difference ÷ 3 = )

Standard rate turn: 3 degrees per second / 2 min for 360 degree turn

Half-standard rate turn: 1.5 degrees per second / 4 min for 360 degree turn

Example turns


010 🡪 040 = 30/10 sec

360 🡪 240 = 120/ 40 sec

070 🡪 250 = 180/ 1 min

Common errors

  • Incorrect calibration procedures.

  • improper timing.

  • Uncoordinated use of controls.

  • Improper trim control.


  • Overview

  • Timed Turns 

  • Common Errors

(Questions to assess student)

What are the errors for a mag compass?

How do timed turns work?

HW: Review the IFH for timed turns

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